Creating Unique QR Codes with Stable Diffusion: Step-by-Step Guide

CyberSecureFox 🦊

Today, we’re going to learn how to generate creative QR codes for your business cards, links, or simple messages using the Stable Diffusion neural network. No doubt, it will be interesting!

Stable Diffusion: This is a revolutionary tool that uses a neural network to generate images based on text.

You can even test it by scanning the QR code of the image in this message with your smartphone!

How to create your unique QR code in 3 steps?

The following steps will help you understand how to do it:

Step one: Create a QR code

Go to the QuickQR.Art website and create a QR code with any text or link. Save the QR code in the PNG FORMAT.

Step two: Upload the QR code to the Quick QR Art server

Go to the Discord server of the developers. On the channel “paste-bin” upload the generated QR code, open it in the chat, and copy the link to the image.

Step three: Setting up and generating a unique QR code

Go to another channel of the server “pixelml-bot”. Write the command /generate and fill in the two fields as described below:

    • In the first field, paste your query (in English) and add the lines recommended by the developers at the end: clearly visible --presets intricate-details --qrw 0.8 --steps 16 --seed 2649239020191832
    • In the second field, paste the link to your QR code you just copied.


/generate promt:red black house blocks cyberpunk clearly visible --presets intricate-details --qrw 0.8 --steps 16 --seed 2649239020191832 url:

After a few minutes of waiting, you will receive your unique QR code!

As of today, this whole process is available for free and without any restrictions. Use this unique opportunity and share your unique QR codes in the comments below. We look forward to your comments and questions!

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