Telegram Clarifies Recent Changes to Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

CyberSecureFox 🦊

In a recent statement, Telegram’s CEO Pavel Durov addressed widespread misconceptions about the platform’s updated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. The clarification comes in response to user concerns over potential changes in data handling practices.

Historical Context of Telegram’s Data Disclosure Policies

Contrary to popular belief, Telegram has been capable of disclosing IP addresses and phone numbers of criminal suspects to authorities in most countries since 2018. This longstanding policy, often overlooked, has been an integral part of Telegram’s approach to balancing user privacy with legal compliance.

Transparency in Data Requests

Durov highlighted Telegram’s commitment to transparency through their @transparency bot, which provides detailed statistics on processed data requests. For instance:

  • Brazil: 75 requests in Q1 2024, 63 in Q2, and 65 in Q3
  • India: 2461 requests in Q1, 2151 in Q2, and 2380 in Q3

These figures demonstrate Telegram’s consistent approach to handling legal requests across different jurisdictions.

Recent Policy Updates and Their Implications

The recent updates to Telegram’s policies primarily serve to streamline and unify privacy guidelines across different countries. Durov emphasized that the core principles of Telegram remain unchanged. The platform continues to prioritize user freedom and privacy while complying with local laws that don’t contradict these values.

Changes in European Union Data Requests

A notable increase in legitimate legal requests from EU authorities was observed in Q3. This surge is attributed to more EU bodies utilizing the correct communication channel as stipulated by the Digital Services Act (DSA). Telegram had made this information readily available since early 2024.

Balancing User Protection and Legal Compliance

Telegram’s approach to user data reflects a delicate balance between protecting user privacy and cooperating with law enforcement. The platform maintains its commitment to safeguarding activists and ordinary users from corrupt governments and corporations. However, it also takes a firm stance against allowing criminals to abuse the platform or evade justice.

This clarification from Telegram underscores the complex challenges faced by messaging platforms in today’s digital landscape. As cybersecurity concerns continue to evolve, users must remain vigilant about understanding the privacy policies of the services they use. Telegram’s transparency in addressing these issues sets a positive example for other tech companies in maintaining open communication with their user base.

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